FAQ for Tablet version of Rationale

1. To add a box from the Building Panel on the Workspace:

a. select a box from the Building Panel with a single-tap.
b. give a single-tap or a short swipe on the Workplace at the place where you want to add the box.

2. Double-tap on the Workspace to make a standard box.

3. Single-tap to select an existing box on the Workspace or in the Building Panel.

4. To de-select a box on the Workspace, give a single tap on the Workspace.

5. Double-tap on a box to add or change text.

6. Change the position of a box or the Workspace by dragging it.

7. Change the position of an individual map on the workspace by dragging the box at the top.

8. Give a long-press on a box to open a sub-menu.

9. Zoom in or out by pinching (moving thumb and index finger to or away from each other).


Maps that are made on a tablet will be saved in the My Maps of your account and can be opened again on any device (desktop, laptop or tablet).

Next months we will restructure the Building Panel including the Help Function within Rationale and make an integrated Help function within Rationale Tablet .