Rationale Online Version 1  is available now at www.rationaleonline.com
Almost all functionalities of Rationale Windows are available in Rationale Online too.
The look and feel are the same.
There is complete compatibility between maps made in Rationale 2 and in Rationale Online.Some differences between Rationale 2 (Windows) and Rationale Online:

  • Rationale Online works in every modern browser, so no more Mac problems
  • Sharing of maps has become very easy by sharing a link or making your map Public.
  • You can choose your language in Rationale Online in your Profile. Available languages now: English, Spanish, Dutch and German. French will be added later in October 2013. You can switch language in your Account Profile.
  • In Rationale Online this book is available as an integrated E-book. In Chapter 4 you will find a Self-Study Guide. In combination with the three Tutorials you can develop your own thinking and writing skills in the best possible way.
  • In combination with the available educational materials lecturers  have all they need for a standard one semester course Critical Thinking with argument mapping/Rationale that has proven to work very well.
  • Educational users get an educational discount automatically when they use and confirm the email address of their school/university (US$ 30 or $38 a year).
  • Lecturers can email us to get a coupon with 50% discount for their students when they are not using a school/university email address.
  • Rationale Online can be easily integrated in an intranet of a school/university.
  • Rationale Online can be easily tailored to specific needs (adding specific templates, argument patterns and so on)
The road map for the next half year:
– We will bring our program for decision making, bCisive, online  in November.
– The Rationale tablet Beta version will be available in December.
– We expect to add the option of working together online simultaneously in Rationale and bCisive in January 2014.
– We will integrate our different sites (www.criticalthinking.euwww.austhink.com) under the main site www.reasoninglab.com coming year.

Our goal: to make Rationale and bCisive  available as evidence based quality tools at as low cost as possible for worldwide education.