
Rationale > Before you begin...

Before you begin...

First, you might want to enlarge this window, at least a little bit.  Here's how...

Second, it will help if know the basic mechanics of using Rationale. Use the interactive quickstart wizard to get you going.

Finally, you'll be making lots of maps, so you need to manage your workspace.  You have two options:

  • Delete maps after you finish an exercise (select the map and click 'delete' in the ribbon menu)
  • Keep old maps and move to a clear part of the workspace for each exercise (click on a blank area on the workspace and drag the whole screen in any direction).
OK, I'm ready...


This material has been developed independently of the International Baccalaureate, which in no way endorses it.

© Austhink 2013.  Rationale Exercises version 0.1, Jan-13

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