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See also Health & Medicine
Critical Thinking Exam for nursing by ATI. "ATI offers a test specifically designed to measure each [nursing] student's critical thinking ability. Each critical thinking component is documented in our comprehensive diagnostic reports, which provide a complete analysis for both students and educators. The test can be administered at both entrance to and exit from the program to gauge a student's progress." Skepticism in Nursing (skepticrn) email list (Yahoo! group) "This list discusses the issue of skepticism in professional nursing. Special areas of interest include quackery, ethics of unproven therapies, the importance of critical thinking in nursing, and the development of evidence-based nursing. Members examine current issues in nursing from a critical, skeptical perspective." See also critical-nurse - another Yahoo email group. Skepticrn has fewer members but seems to be the better group; it has more, higher-quality postings.
How to Read a Paper - articles by Trisha Greenhalgh, British Medical Journal A collection of BMJ articles on reading medical journal articles with a critical eye. This excellent series of papers later appeared as a book, How to Read a Paper. Essays Postmodern Nursing by Sarah Glazer in The Public Interest Truly horrifying. "Nurses searching for professional distinctiveness have plugged into a philosophical tradition that declares there is no absolute truth—one that they frequently dub the "post-positivist" position. Nurses who have adopted the relativist view in its most simplistic form have simply taken it to its natural conclusion: If science does not represent truth, then anything goes. Anything can include therapeutic touch, the Science of Unitary Human Beings, or communicating with the dead." See also Touching a Nerve, Glazer's rejoinder to a postmodernist's critique of her article.
Humbug: Nursing Theory by Jeff Raskin Trenchant critique of Martha Rogers' "Science of Unitary Human Beings," and more broadly, academic nursing theory. Constructive in intent: "I hope that this article will help academic nursing come out of the dark ages of authoritarianism and mysticism so that it legitimately can take its rightful place in academia and medicine." [11 Jun 02]
Dead LinksCritical Care Nurse Snapshots "Critical Care Nurse Snapshots are designed to be interactive case scenarios for nurses involved in making informed decisions at the bedside. Each case study will involve the student in the critical thinking process as it relates to the assessment, diagnosis, management, and follow-up of a clinically based problem." Critical Thinking: To Think Like a Nurse by Penny Heaslip (I think) Overview essay. "To become a professional nurse requires that you learn to think like a nurse. What makes the thinking of a nurse different from a doctor, a dentist or an engineer? It is how we view the client and the type of problems we deal with in practice when we engage in client care. To think like a nurse requires that we learn the content of nursing; the ideas, concepts and theories of nursing and develop our intellectual capacities and skills so that we become disciplined, self-directed, critical thinkers."
M. Gaie Rubenfeld Does interesting research in critical thinking for nursing, particularly how to cultivate CT in nursing education. With Barb Sheffer, has undertaken a Delphi process to generate a comprehensive definition of CT for nursing; see their paper Scheffer, B.K. & Rubenfeld , M. G. (2000). A consensus statement on critical thinking in nursing. Journal of Nursing Education, 39 (9), 1-8. [3 Nov 02]
Last updated:
21 Jun 2007 |