Frequently Asked Questions for Rationale.
In this document you find some frequently asked questions for Rationale.
Have a question? Contact us.

  • Does Rationale require a specific browser?

    Rationale uses modern graphics techniques to allow for schematic editing and graphing in the browser. These techniques are only supported in newer browsers. We recommend to use the latest version of Chrome, Firefox or IE9/10.
    IE7/8 can be used to work with Rationale. You have to use this plugin:
    Nevertheless we advise to use a newer version of your browser.

  • Does computer speed and configuration matter?

    Actually, it does. Rationale Online does a lot of computing operations while working (more with Analyzing  then with other functions).  Part of that will be done on your own computer.  So, with the newest top of the edge systems things will be done a little faster.  Rationale Online will be working fine with all regular, modern computer systems.

  • Do I have to create an account to use Rationale?

    To use all possibilities from RationaleOnline you need an account.
    To try RationaleOnline you can use all functions, but you can’t save your maps. Also you can’t use tutorials, e-book or export- and printfunctions.

  • Can I change my username?

    No, not right now. You can change all your other information by going to My Profile on the right top of the screen. After editing click on [Save] on the bottom of your Profile-screen.

  • Does Rationale work offline?

    Working offline is not possible now; maybe this option will be added later. You can always use Rationale Software  (

  • Not everything from Rationale Software is in Rationale Online. How come?

    It isn’t possible to get all Rationale Software features in Rationale Online. But we added (and are still adding) even more new features.  You can go to the forum to tell us your wishes.

  • I made a map. Where can I save it?

    Click on File in the Menu bar and choose for Save if you want to save the map with the name you already gave. Choose for Save as… if you want to save as a new argument map. If you filled in a name when making a map everything you add or edit will be saved under that name.

  • I want to edit the name of the map. How can I do that?

    Go to My Maps and click on the map you want to edit. It opens in the detail screen. Click on the name (dotted underline) and edit it. Click on the OK –button to save the new name.

  • I want to delete a map. How can I do that?

    Go to My Maps and click on the map you want to delete. It opens in the detail screen. Click on [Delete] on the right and your map will be deleted.

  • Can I export a particular part of my map?

    Yes, you can export a part as an image. Open your map and click on the top box of the part of the scheme you want. Rightclick (mac: ctrl+click) and select Copy as image. The box and everything below that box will now be copied as an image and opened in a new browserscreen. Rightclick on the picture to save it.

  • How can I export my maps to use in other programs (e.g. Word)?

    You can go to My maps and select the map you want to use. In the detail screen you can select Export. Then select one of the exportpossibilities. When selecting  PNG a new screen appears with 1024 in it. You can change that number to get the image with the right dimensions. Explore the possibilities.
    When showing the picture right-click on it and save the picture to use it in any other program.
    The second possibility to export your schemes is when you have your scheme opened. Click on the tab “Output”. Click on file and select on of the export-options.
    The export possibilities will be extended in the next few months.

  • Can I link directly to a map to share with someone else?

    Yes, you can. Select [Share] in the detail screen and make your map Public or Unlisted. You’ll find an url on the left. Share that link with someone else.

  • I want 10 or more argument maps on my workspace. Can that be done?

    It can be done. But it is much better for the speed of the system to have one argument map (max. 5) on your workspace. You can open more tabs with workspaces and switch between tabs.

  • Can I save my map on my own computer and don’t save it online?

    es you can. Make your map and go click on the tab “Output”. Click on file and save your map as RTNL-file. Now your map is saved and is not in your My maps- section. When you want to edit the map you can follow the nest procedure. 1. Go to My maps. 2. Import the map. 3. Edit the map. 4. Save as RTNL-file.. 5. Delete the imported map., but not directly. You have to save your map.Keep in mind there is a certain risk working on a map online to long without saving. So you can also save the map, export it and then delete it.

  • Can I use maps made in Rationale Software?

    Yes , you can. Go to My maps and click on [Import map]  to import your map.
    You can use all argument maps made in Rationale Software 2.0 or higher. Older maps should be converted to a newer version before imported.
    It is highly recommended to delete any large pictures in you Rationale Software argument map so that the total file size of your map is below 1 mb.

  • I try to import an argument map made in Rationale Software. It doesn’t work. What happened?

    There are several possibilities why Rationale Online cannot import an argument map made in Rationale Software.
    1. There are some big pictures in the argument map. Open Rationale Software and delete the images. Save you argument map and try importing again.
    2. Your argument map was made in a version of Rationale Software below 2.0. Open your argument map in a newer version of Rationale Software and save it again. You can import it now.

  • Can I export a map from Rationale Online to use in my Rationale Software?

    No, that’s not possible right now.

  • Known issues

    – When adding an image its size should not exceed 25Kb. If it does you get a message your image is too big.